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About Elaine

Elaine became passionate about natural therapies began during her travels around the world, in particular in Asia.  Elaine was fascinated by many of the Eastern therapies that gave fantastic results.  She decided to look into them more once settled in Australia. After obtaining a Diploma of Remedial massage in 2000,  She then discovered Kinesiology. Amazed at the results she experienced herself through this therapy, she decided to look into this further.  Elaine gained her Cert IV in Kinesiology in 2005 and went on to complete her diploma in 2008.    


Elaine says "I love massage but always knew I wanted to help people on a deeper emotional level.   When I discovered Kinesiology, I knew that this combined all the things I loved in natural therapies.   To be able to ask the body for feedback about the best approach in assisting it back to its optimal level,   to see the changes in people when an awareness is gained, is fantastic" 


Elaine believes Kinesiology is about empowering people, bringing awareness to people on how they can assist their bodies to heal themselves.  Life is not for existing but living to the full.

Following on from her journey of healing her gut and chronic IBS she now specialises in gut related problems using nutrition, especially fermented foods to heal the gut and regain optimal health. This led her to complete her GAPS Practitioner training in 2015 (Gut and Psychology Syndrome). Elaine now has the tools to help people heal their body and balance their mind.  


Elaine also studied LEAP.  Learning Enhancement Acupressure protocol.  This is a protocol to assist in brain integration.  This combined with Fusion Acupressure can bring about deep and lasting changes.


EFT (Emotional freedom technique), NLP, Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy were added to the toolbox in 2016.  This makes each session unique and tailored to the individuals needs and preferences.


Most recently Elaine has completed her Psych-K Mastery course. This is a wonderful way to become whole brained. quickly and easily releasing stress and taking back control of your thoughts. 


Elaine has recently moved back to the UK to spend time with her parents. Along with her family she has settled in Salisbury, Wiltshire.




Diploma of Professional Kinesiology

Diploma Remedial Massage

Certificate in NLP

Certficate in Time-Line therapy

Certificate in Hypnotherapy

Certificate in EFT 

Advanced Certificate in NAET (Energy Mismatch Technique)


Fusion Acu-pressure (1)

Flexologist - Assisted stretching


FHT - Federation of Holistic Therapies member.

Fully Insured

Email -

Mob - 07394327834


Neal's Yard Remedies

27 Market Place

Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK

Call or Email for availability and bookings.

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